Ingredient | Where to buy | Cost | Descriptions |
Banana | Sure Cans | $80 | A very sweet ingredient. This go-to fruit is sweet and rich, and it’s beloved by many Pokémon. |
Strawberry | Sure Cans | $140 | A very and sweet ingredient, popular for its ability to make a sandwich visually striking. |
Tomato | Sure Cans | $100 | This very tart ingredient has a lot of savory elements to it, making it popular with many Pokémon. |
Pickle | Sure Cans | $90 | This very sour ingredient is made by pickling veggies in a flavorful brine from made spices and vinegar. |
Apple | Sure Cans | $130 | This very ingredient is sliced thin to make it easy to add into sandwich. |
Cherry Tomatoes | Sure Cans | $120 | A very tart ingredient. Some varities are also very sweet, and these are prized above all others by the people of Paldea. |
Kiwi | Sure Cans | $180 | A very tart ingredient that has a light touch of sweetness as well. It goes well with rich ingredients. |
Jalapeno | Sure Cans | $220 | A very spicy ingredient — so spicy as to leave no room for ambivalence about it. You either like it or you don’t. |
Pineapple | Sure Cans | $250 | This very tart ingredient is a fruit of southern lands, and its color and texture are a thrill. It’s been cut into chunks to be more easily managable. |
Noodles | Sure Cans | $280 | A nice salty ingredient. It’s unclear how well these boiled noodles will serve as sandwich. |
Rice | Sure Cans | $280 | An ingredient with a touch of sweetness. It’s unclear how well this is cooked rice will serve as a sandwich filling. |
Egg | Deli Cioso | $80 | An ingredient with a touch of saltness. It’s full of nutrients and can be enjoyed with all sorts of seasonings. |
Potato Salad | Deli Cioso | $110 | This very tart ingredient — a soft salad that’s all about potatoes — pairs tremendously well with bread. |
Chorizo | Deli Cioso | $150 | A very salty and spicy ingredient. This type of sausage has particularly robust salty flavor, and the spicier varieties are extra popular. |
Bacon | Deli Cioso | $150 | This very salty ingredient has been cooked just shy of charred, making with fragrance and tasty flavor. |
Potato Tortilla | Deli Cioso | $250 | A very salty ingredient and a popular dish in Paldea. It’s undeniably filling. |
Proscuitto | Deli Cioso | $200 | This ingredient is very salty like regular ham, but the difference is proscuitto is not cooked after it is cured, giving it a fun freshness. |
Cucumber | Deli Cioso | $130 | A tart and bitter ingredient. Using it together with rich-tasting ingredients in a sandwich will really make the most of a cusumber’s fresh-veggie aroma. |
Avocado | Deli Cioso | $180 | An ingredient with sweet notes — though its flavor is very mild. The avocado’s richness, however, makes it satisfying to eat. |
Red Onion | Deli Cioso | $230 | An ingredient with some sweetness to it. Its spiciness and fragrance are milder than those of other onions, making it a pleasant bite. |
Hamburger | Deli Cioso | $380 | This very salty ingredient is the thing to add if you want to make your sandwich truly filling. |
Smoked fillet | Deli Cioso | $270 | A very salty and bitter ingredient with that unmistakable smoky flavor. It pairs exceptionally well with veggies. |
Watercress | Deli Cioso | $270 | A very bitter ingredient that stands out among veggies for its quirky flavor. People tend to either like it or not like it — they rarely sit on the fence. |
Vingear | Deli Cioso | $300 | A very sour condiment. Vinegars derived from grapes are popular in Paldea. Hihgly effective when used to add just a light note of flavor. |
Chili Sauce | Deli Cioso | $320 | A condiment with a very spicy kick. it’s thanks to Scovillian that this sauce gets it signature mouth-tingling burn. |
Basil | Deli Cioso | $280 | A very bitter ingredient that’s quite versatile, as herbs go. It’s fragrant and goes well with tomatoes. |
Green Bell Pepper | Deli Cioso | $230 | An ingredient with some bitterness. When sliced, it adds a nice accent to a sandwich. |
Red Bell Pepper | Deli Cioso | $240 | An ingredient with some bitterness — but its bitter notes and overall flavor are pleasantly mild compared to its green cousin. |
Yellow Bell Pepper | Deli Cioso | $240 | An ingredient with some bitterness. It’s not much different from its red counterpart in flavor, but mixing these colors is a feast for the eyes. |
Fried Fillet | Deli Cioso | $360 | When used in a sandwich, this very salty and bitter ingredient is at its best paired with sour seasoning. |
Herbed sausage | Deli Cioso | $400 | A very salty and bitter ingredient. The balance between the potent saltiness and the herbs’ bitterness makes this sausage a pleasure. |
Ham | Artisan Bakery | $170 | A very salty ingredient — and that very saltiness is what makes it such a nice companion to veggies. |
Lettuce | Artisan Bakery | $90 | This bitter-tasting ingredient is simple and straightforward — just add it to all kinds of other ingredients for a delightfully crunch time. |
Onion | Artisan Bakery | $130 | This spicy veggie is indispensible to many sandwiches. It goes well with rich ingredients. |
Mayonaise | Artisan Bakery | $120 | A condiment that packs a very tart punch yet pairs well with various ingredients. |
Ketchup | Artisan Bakery | $110 | A condiment with very salty and tart flavor. While a number of other ingredients go into its signature flavor, the noble tomato is its heart and soul. |
Mustard | Artisan Bakery | $130 | A very spicy condiment that’s indispensable when bread is on the table. It pairs tremendously with ketchup. |
Salt | Artisan Bakery | $90 | A very salty seasoning, unsurpisingly. People quite like the grains of salt that can be gathered from the footprints of a particularly jagged Naclstack. |
Pepper | Artisan Bakery | $100 | A seasoning peacking very spicy flavor. It goes nicely with oilier foods and works especially when when you add just a pinch for a hint of flavor. |
Butter | Artisan Bakery | $250 | A condiment that unites salty and sweet and also packs a richness that makes bread a delight to eat. The finest butter products are made of 100 percent Moomoo Milk. |
Cream Cheese | Artisan Bakery | $280 | A condiment offering very sweet and very tart flavor. It goes well with more ingredients than you’d expect, making it a convient go-to. |
Jam | Artisan Bakery | $120 | A condiment that’s very sweet and likewise very sour. Take care when adding it to sandwiches, as the sweet can overwhelm. |
Olive Oil | Artisan Bakery | $300 | A condiment offering faint notes of sour and bitter flavors. The most prized varieties are the ones Smoliv love the smell of — such oils’ quality is assured. |
Cheese | Artisan Bakery | $120 | A very salty ingredient. This thinly sliced cheese is perfect for adding to a sandwich. |
Yogurt | Artisan Bakery | $140 | A condiment that’s very sweet and very sour. It goes especially well with fruit and is easy to incorporate into a sandwich. |
Whipped Cream | Artisan Bakery | $140 | A very sweet condiment. Folks in Paldea seem to love the varieties that really let the sweetness sing. |
Peanut Butter | Artisan Bakery | $300 | A very sweet condiment. People in Paldea in Paldea seem to favor the sweet varieties over the unsweetened. |
Marmalade | Artisan Bakery | $260 | A condiment with sour and bitter notes. It’s surprisingly useful, as it makes a nice counterpoint to oilier foods. |
Klawf Stick | Aquiesta Supermarket | $500 | A very sweet and salty ingredient. It’s a nutritious processed food made with a concentrate derived from shed Klawf shells. |
Tofu | Aquiesta Supermarket | $260 | An ingredient with a touch of sweetness. It’s unclear how well this raw block of tofu will serve as a sandwich filling. |
Horseradish | Aquiesta Supermarket | $410 | A very spicy condiment. Its distinctive sharp sizzle in your sinuses makes it a good match for rich fillings. |
Curry Powder | Aquiesta Supermarket | $450 | A very spicy condiment. Just watch out — use too much of this potent seasoning, and it’ll cancel out the other flavors. |
Wasabi | Aquiesta Supermarket | $330 | This very spicy condiment seems close to horseradish at first, but you’ll find that it has a superb flavor all its own. |
Sandwich | IngRedients | Effects |
Jambon-Beurre | Ham, Butter | Encounter Power: Ground (Lv. 1), Raid Power: Ghost (Lv. 1), Catching Power: Bug (Lv. 1) |
Bitter Jambon-Beurre | Ham, Butter, Bitter Herba Mystica | Title Power: Ground (Lv. 2), Exp. Point Power: Ghost (Lv. 2), Encounter Power: Bug (Lv. 2) |
Sweet Jambon-Beurre | Ham, Butter, Sweet Herba Mystica | Title Power: Ground (Lv. 2), Egg Power (Lv. 2), Encounter Power: Bug (Lv. 2) |
Salty Jambon-Beurre | Ham, Butter, Salty Herba Mystica | Title Power: Ground (Lv. 2), Encounter Power: Ghost (Lv. 2), Raid Power: Bug (Lv. 2) |
Sour Jambon-Beurre | Ham, Butter, Sour Herba Mystica | Title Power: Ground (Lv. 2), Teensy Power: Ghost (Lv. 2), Encounter Power: Bug (Lv. 2) |
Spicy Jambon-Beurre | Ham, Butter, Spicy Herba Mystica | Title Power: Gound (Lv. 2), Humungo Power: Ghost (Lv. 2), Encounter Power: Bug (Lv. 2) |
Jam Sandwich | Strawberry, Jam | Catching Power: Fighting (Lv. 1), Item Drop Power: Psychic (Lv. 1), Egg Power (Lv. 1) |
Great Jam Sandwich | Strawberry, Jam, Yogurt | Catching Power: Fighting (Lv. 1), Item Drop Power: Psychic (Lv. 1), Raid Power: Ghost (Lv. 1) |
Ultra Jam Sandwich | Strawberry, Jam, Pineapple, Yogurt, Jam | Catching Power: Dark (Lv. 2), Item Drop Power: Ground (Lv. 2), Egg Power (Lv. 1) |
Master Jam Sandwich | Strawberry, Pineapple, Jam, Yogurt, Sweet Herba Mystica | Title Power: Dark (Lv. 2), Catching Power: Ground (Lv. 2), Item Drop Power: Fighting (Lv. 2) |
Pickle Sandwich | Pickle, Olive Oil | Teensy Power: Fighting (Lv. 1), Encounter Power: Fire (Lv. 1), Catching Power: Ghost (Lv. 1) |
Great Pickle Sandwich | Pickle, Watercress, Olive Oil | Item Drop Power: Fighting (Lv. 2), Encounter Power: Fire (Lv. 1), Catching Power: Ghost (Lv. 1) |
Ultra Pickle Sandwich | Pickle, Watercress, Basil, Olive Oil | Item Drop Power: Fighting (Lv. 2), Egg Power (Lv. 2), Catching Power: Fir (Lv. 1) |
Master Pickle Sandwich | Pickle, Watercress, Basil, Olive Oil, Sour Herba Mystica | Title Power: Fighting (Lv. 2), Teensy Power: Grass (Lv. 2), Egg Power (Lv. 2) |
Desert Sandwich | Apple x2, Yogurt, Whipped Cream | Catching Power: Flying (Lv. 1), Item Drop Power: Ice (Lv. 1), Egg Power (Lv. 1) |
Great Desert Sandwich | Apple x2, Kiwi, Yogurt, Whipped Cream | Catching Power: Flying (Lv. 2), Item Drop Power: Ice (Lv. 1), Egg Power (Lv. 1) |
Ultra Desert Sandwich | Apple x2, Kiwi, strawberry, Yogurt, Whipped Cream | Item Drop Power: Flying (Lv. 2), Catching Power: Ice (Lv. 2), Egg Power (Lv. 1) |
Master Desert Sandwich | Apple x2, Kiwi, Strawberry, Yogurt, Whipped Cream, Sweet Herba Mystica | Title Power: Flying (Lv. 2), Item Drop Power: Poison (Lv. 2), Catching Power: Fairy (Lv. 2) |
Avocado Sandwich | Avocado, Smoked Fillet, Salt | Exp. Point Power: Dragon (Lv. 1), Encounter Power: Electric (Lv. 1), Catching Power: Dark (Lv. 1) |
Great Avocado Sandwich | Avocado, Smoked Fillet, Tomato, Salt | Encounter Power: Dragon (Lv. 2), Catching Power: Fairy (Lv. 1), Exp. Point Power: Dark (Lv. 1) |
Ultra Avocado Sandwich | Avocado, Smoked Fillet, Tomato, Lettuce, Salt | Exp. Point Power: Grass (Lv. 2), Encounter Power: Dark (Lv. 2), Catching Power (Lv. 1) |
Master Avocado Sandwich | Avocado, Smoked Fillet, Tomato, Lettuce, Salt, Salty Herba Mystica | Title Power: Grass (Lv. 2), Exp. Point Power: Dark (Lv. 2), Encounter Power: Dragon (Lv. 2) |
Egg Sandwich | Egg, Cucumber, Salt, Mayonnaise | Encounter Power: Flying (Lv. 1), Exp. Point Power: Steel (Lv. 1), Raid Power: Rock (Lv. 1) |
Great Egg Sandwich | Egg, Cucumber, Red Onion, Salt, Mayonnaise | Encounter Power: Flying (Lv. 2), Exp. Point Power: Steel (Lv. 1), Raid Power: Rock (Lv. 1) |
Ultra Egg Sandwich | Egg, Cucumber, Red Onion, Cheese, Salt, Mayonnaise | Encounter Power: Flying (Lv. 2), Exp. Point Power: Steel (Lv. 2), Raid Power: Rock (Lv. 1) |
Master Egg Sandwich | Egg, Cucumber, Red Onion, Cheese, Salt, Mayonnaise, Salty Herba Mystica | Title Power: Flying (Lv. 2), Encounter Power: Rock (Lv. 2), Exp. Point Power: Normal (Lv. 2) |
Classic Bocadillo | Bacon, Cheese, Potato Tortilla, Olive Oil | Encounter Power: Ghost (Lv. 1), Catching Power: Grass (Lv. 1), Item Drop Power: Fire (Lv. 1) |
Great Classic Bocadillo Sandwich | Bacon, Cheese, Potato Tortilla, Olive Oil, Curry Powder | Humungo Power: Ghost (Lv. 2), Catching Power: Grass (Lv. 1), Encounter Power: Fire (Lv. 1) |
Ultra Classic Bocadillo Sandwich | Bacon, Cheese, Potato Tortilla, Avocado, Olive Oil, Curry Powder | Humungo Power: Dragon (Lv. 2), Catching Power: Fire (Lv. 2), Encounter Power: Ghost (Lv. 1) |
Master Classic Bocadilla | Bacon, Cheese, Potato Torilla, Avocado, Olive Oil, Curry Powder, Bitter Herba Mystica | Title Power: Dragon (Lv. 2), Item Drop Power: Ghost (Lv. 2), Catching Power: Normal (Lv. 2) |
BLT Sandwich | Bacon, Lettuce, Tomato, Mayonnaise, Mustard | Teensy Power: Rock (Lv. 1), Encounter Power: Fairy (Lv. 1), Catching Power: Grass (Lv. 1) |
Great BLT Sandwich | Bacon, Lettuce, Tomato, Basil, Mayonnaise, Mustard | Teensy Power: Grass (Lv. 2), Encounter Power: Rock (Lv. 2), Raid Power: Fairy (Lv. 1) |
Ultra BLT Sandwich | Bacon, Lettuce, Tomato, Basil, Cheese, Mayonnaise, Mustard | Teensy Power: Grass (Lv. 2), Encounter Power: Rock (Lv. 2), Catching Power: Fairy (Lv. 1) |
Master BLT Sandwich | Bacon, Lettuce, Tomato, Basil, Cheese, Mayonnaise, Mustard, Sweet Herba Mystica | Title Power: Grass (Lv. 2), Catching Power: Fairy (Lv. 2), Encounter Power: Normal (Lv. 2) |
Ham Sandwich | Pickle, Ham, Mayonnaise, Mustard | Teensy Power: FIghting (Lv. 1), Encounter Power: Normal (Lv. 1), Raid Power: Ground (Lv. 1) |
Great Ham Sandiwch | Pickle, Ham, Bacon, Mayonnaise, Mustard | Encounter Power: Fighting (Lv. 2), Catching Power: Flying (Lv. 1), Raid Power: Ground (Lv. 1) |
Ultra Ham Sandwich | Pickle, Ham, Bacon, Jalapeño, Mayonnaise, Mustard | Teensy Power: Rock (Lv. 2), Encounter Power: Fairy (Lv. 2), Catching Power: Grass (Lv. 1) |
Master Ham Sandwich | Pickle, Ham, Bacon, Jalapeño, Mayonnaise, Mustard, Salty Herba Mystica | Title Power: Rock (Lv. 2), Encounter Power: Fairy (Lv. 2), Catching Power: Grass (Lv. 2) |
Cheese Sandwich | Cheese, Cream Cheese, Pepper, Salt | Encounter Power: Bug (Lv. 1), Raid Power: Water (Lv. 1), Exp. Point Power: Steel (Lv. 1) |
Great Cheese Sandwich | Cheese, Avocado, Cream Cheese, Pepper, Salt | Encounter Power: Dragon (Lv. 2), Raid Power: Steel (Lv. 1), Exp. Point Power: Bug (Lv. 1) |
Ultra Cheese Sandwich | Cheese, Avocado, Basil, Cream Cheese, Pepper, Salt | Exp. Point Power: Dragon (Lv. 2), Raid Power: Electric (Lv. 2), Catching Power: Water (Lv. 1) |
Master Cheese Sandwich | Cheese, Avocado, Basil, Cream Cheese, Pepper, Salt, Salty Herba Mystica | Title Power: Dragon (Lv. 2), Exp. Point Power: Electric (Lv. 2), Raid Power: Water (Lv. 2) |
Hamburger Patty Sandwich | Hamburger, Onion, Vinegar, Pepper | Humungo Power: Pyshic (Lv. 1), Encounter Power: Dragon (Lv. 1), Catching Power: Steel (Lv. 1) |
Great Hamburger Patty Sandwich | Hamburger, Onion, Vinegar, Pepper, Horseradish | Humungo Power: Psychic (Lv. 2), Encounter Power: Dragon (Lv. 1), Catching Power: Steel (Lv. 1) |
Ultra Hamburger Sandwich | Hamburger, Onion, Watercress, Vinegar, Pepper, Horseradish | Humungo Power: Psychic (Lv. 2), Encounter Power: Dragon (Lv. 2), Catching Power: Steel (Lv. 1) |
Master Hamburger Sandwich | Hamburger, Onion, Watercress, Vinegar, Pepper, Horseradish, Sweet Herba Mystica | Title Power: Psychic (Lv. 2), Raid Power: Dragon (Lv. 2), Encounter Power: Steel (Lv. 2) |
Smoky Sandwich | Smoked Fillet, Watercress, Vinegar, Pepper, Salt | Exp. Point Power: Dark (Lv. 1), Raid Power: Dragon (Lv. 1), Encounter Power: Psychic (Lv. 1) |
Great Smoky Sandwich | Smoked Fillet, Watercress, Red Onion, Vinegar, Pepper, Salt | Exp. Point Power: Ghost (Lv. 2), Raid Power: Psychic (Lv. 1), Encounter Power: Dark (Lv. 1) |
Ultra Smoky Sandwich | Smoked Fillet, Watercress, Red Onion, Basil, Vinegar, Pepper, Salt | Exp. Point Power: Dark (Lv. 2), Raid Power: Psychic (Lv. 2), Encounter Power: Ghost (Lv. 1) |
Master Smoky Sandwich | Smoked Fillet, Watercress, Red Onion, Basil, Vinegar, Pepper, Salt, Salty Herba Mystica | Title Power: Dark (Lv. 2), Exp. Point Power: Psychic (Lv. 2), Raid Power: Ghost (Lv. 2) |
Variety Sandwich | Bacon, Tomato, Smoked Fillet, Salt, Vinegar | Teensy Power: Flying (Lv. 1), Encounter Power: Dark (Lv. 1), Catching Power: Bug (Lv. 1) |
Great Variety Sandwich | Bacon, Tomato, Smoked Fillet, Potato Salad, Salt, Vinegar | Teensy Power: Bug (Lv. 2), Encounter Power: Dragon (Lv. 1), Catching Power: Dark (Lv. 1) |
Ultra Variety Sandwich | Bacon, Tomato, Smoked Fillet, Potato Salad, Hamburger, Salt, Vinegar | Encounter Power: Bug (Lv. 2), Catching Power: Dark (Lv. 2), Humungo Power: Steel (Lv. 1) |
Master Variety Sandwich | Bacon, Tomato, Smoked Fillet, Potato Salad, Hamburger, Salt, Vinegar, Bitter Herba Mystica | Title Power: Bug (Lv. 2), Exp. Point Power: Steel (Lv. 2), Encounter Power: Normal (Lv. 2) |
Sweet Sandwich | Banana, Apple, Cheese, Whipped Cream, Butter | Egg Power (Lv. 1), Item Drop Power: Bug (Lv. 1), Raid Power: Flying (Lv. 1) |
Great Sweet Sandwich | Banana, Apple, Cheese, Whipped Cream, Butter, Salt | Egg Power (Lv. 2), Item Drop Power: Bug (Lv. 1), Raid Power: Flying (Lv. 1) |
Ultra Sweet Sandwich | Banana, Apple, Cheese, Basil, Whipped Cream, Butter, Salt | Egg Power (Lv. 2), Item Drop Power: Flying (Lv. 2), Raid Power: Normal (Lv. 1) |
Master Sweet Sandwich | Banana, Apple, Cheese, Basil, Whipped Cream, Butter, Salt, Sour Herba Mystica | Title Power: Electric (Lv. 2), Catching Power: Normal (Lv. 2), Item Drop Power: Fighting (Lv. 2) |
Five-Alarm Sandwich | Chorizo, Onion, Green Bell Pepper, Mustard, Ketchup, Pepper | Humungo Power: Poison (Lv. 1), Exp. Point Power: Normal (Lv. 1), Raid Power: Dragon (Lv. 1) |
Great Five-Alarm Sandwich | Chorizo, Onion, Green Bell Pepper, Basil, Mustard, Ketchup, Pepper | Humungo Power: Poison (Lv. 2), Raid Power: Fire (Lv. 1), Exp. Point Power: Dragon (Lv. 1) |
Ultra Five-Alarm Sandwich | Chorizo, Onion, Green Bell Pepper, Basil, Jalapeño, Mustard, Ketchup, Pepper | Humungo Power: Poison (Lv. 2), Raid Power: Fire (Lv. 2), Exp. Point Power: Dragon (Lv. 1) |
Master Five-Alarm Sandwich | Chorizo, Onion, Green Bell Pepper, Basil, Jalapeño, Mustard, Ketchup, Pepper, Spicy Herba Mystica | Title Power: Dragon (Lv. 2), Humungo Power: Dragon (Lv. 2), Raid Power: Normal (Lv. 2) |
Potato Salad Sandwich | Potato Salad, Cucumber, Red Bell Pepper, Mayonnaise | Teensy Power: Bug (Lv. 1), Encounter Power: Steel (Lv. 1), Catching Power: Ghost (Lv. 1) |
Great Potato Salad | Potato Salad, Cucumber, Red Bell Pepper, Avocado, Mayonnaise | Catching Power: Dragon (Lv. 2), Encounter Power: Ghost (Lv. 1), Humungo Power: Bug (Lv. 1) |
Ultra Potato Salad | Potato Salad, Cucumber, Red Bell Pepper, Avocado, Red Onion, Mayonnaise | Catching Power: Ghost (Lv. 2), Encounter Power: Bug (Lv. 2), Humungo Power: Dragon (Lv. 1) |
Master Potato Salad Sandwich | Potato Salad, Cucumber, Red Bell Pepper, Avocado, Red Onion, Mayonnaise, Sweet Herba Mystica | Title Power: Ghost (Lv. 2), Catching Power: Dragon (Lv. 2), Encounter Power: Normal (Lv. 2) |
Marmalade Sandwich | Cheese, Marmalade | Item Drop Power: Fighting (Lv. 1), Catching Power: Rock (Lv. 1), Egg Power (Lv. 1) |
Great Marmalade Sandwich | Cheese, Marmalade, Butter | Egg Power (Lv. 2), Raid Power: Rock (Lv. 1), Item Drop: Poison (Lv. 1) |
Ultra Marmalade Sandwich | Cheese, Marmalade, Butter, Yogurt | Egg Power (Lv. 2), Item Drop Power: Poison (Lv. 2), Raid Power: Fighting (Lv. 1) |
Master Marmalade Sandwich | Cheese, Marmalade, Butter, Yogurt, Salty Herba Mystica | Title Power: Bug (Lv. 2), Encounter Power: Poison (Lv. 2), Item Drop Power: Fighting (Lv. 2) |
Peanut Butter Sandwich | Banana, Peanut Butter | Egg Power (Lv. 1), Item Drop Power: Electric (Lv. 1), Raid Power: Bug (Lv. 1) |
Great Peanut Butter Sandwich | Banana, Peanut Butter, Butter | Egg Power (Lv. 2), Raid Power: Electric (Lv. 2), Exp. Point Power: Normal (Lv. 1) |
Ultra Peanut Butter Sandwich | Banana, Peanut Butter, Butter, Jam | Egg Power (Lv. 2), Raid Power: Normal (Lv. 2), Item Drop Power: Bug (Lv. 1) |
Master Peanut Butter Sandwich | Banana, Peanut Butter, Butter, Jam, Spicy Herba Mystica | Title Power: Electric (Lv. 2), Raid Power: Normal (Lv. 2), Item Drop Power: Bug (Lv. 2) |
Noodle Sandwich | Noodles, Olive Oil, Ketchup | Encounter Power: Poison (Lv. 1), Raid Power: Rock (Lv. 1), Humungo Power: Ground (Lv. 1) |
Great Noodle Sandwich | Noodles, Lettuce, Olive Oil, Ketchup | Encounter Power: Poison (Lv. 2), Humungo Power: Rock (Lv. 1), Raid Power: Ground (Lv. 1) |
Ultra Noodle Sandwich | Noodles, Lettuce, Chorizo, Olive Oil, Ketchup | Encounter Power: Poison (Lv. 2), Exp. Point Power: Fire (Lv. 2), Humungo Power: Electric (Lv. 1) |
Master Noodle Sandwich | Noodles, Lettuce, Chorizo, Olive Oil, Ketchup, Bitter Herba Mystica | Title Power: Poison (Lv. 2), Exp. Point Power: Electric (Lv. 2), Encounter Power: Normal (Lv. 2) |
Fried Fillet Sandwich | Fried Fillet, Potato Salad, Mayonnaise, Ketchup | Teensy Power: Bug (Lv. 1), Raid Power: Dark (Lv. 1), Exp. Point Power: Steel (Lv. 1) |
Great Fried Fillet Sandwich | Fried Fillet, Potato Salad, Lettuce, Mayonnaise, Ketchup | Teensy Power: Bug (Lv. 2), Raid Power: Dark (Lv. 1), Catching Power: Steel (Lv. 1) |
Ultra Fried Fillet Sandwich | Fried Fillet, Potato Salad, Lettuce, Mayonnaise, Ketchup, Horseradish | Teensy Power: Bug (Lv. 2), Raid Power: Dark (Lv. 2), Encounter Power: Steel (Lv. 1) |
Master Fried Fillet Sandwich | Fried Fillet, Potato Salad, Lettuce, Mayonnaise, Ketchup, Horseradish, Spicy Herba Mystica | Title Power: Bug (Lv. 2), Humungo Power: Steel (Lv. 2), Raid Power: Normal (Lv. 2) |
Fruit Sandwich | Banana, Apple, Pineapple, Kiwi, Whipped Cream | Item Drop Power: Normal (Lv. 1), Catching Power: Ground (Lv. 1), Egg Power (Lv. 1) |
Great Fruit Sandwich | Banana, Apple, Pineapple, Kiwi, Whipped Cream, Marmalade | Item Drop Power: Normal (Lv. 2), Catching Power: Poison (Lv. 1), Egg Power (Lv. 1) |
Ultra Fruit Sandwich | Banana, Apple, Pineapple, Kiwi, Whipped Cream, Marmalade, Yogurt | Item Drop Power: Normal (Lv. 2), Catching Power: Poison (Lv. 2), Egg Power (Lv. 1) |
Master Fruit Sandwich | Banana, Apple, Pineapple, Kiwi, Whipped Cream, Marmalade, Yogurt, Sweet Herba Mystica | Title Power: Normal (Lv. 2), Item Drop Power: Poison (Lv. 2), Catching Power: Flying (Lv. 2) |
Hefty Sandwich | Potato Tortilla, Fried Fillet, Bacon, Potato Salad, Salt, Peanut Butter | Encounter Power: Steel (Lv. 1), Raid Power: Ghost (Lv. 1), Catching Power: Bug (Lv. 1) |
Great Hefty Sandwich | Potato Tortilla, Fried Fillet, Bacon, Potato Salad, Herbed Sausage, Salt, Peanut Butter | Encounter Power: Ghost (Lv. 2), Raid Power: Psychic (Lv. 2), Catching Power: Dark (Lv. 1) |
Ultra Hefty Sandwich | Potato Tortilla, Fried Fillet, Bacon, Potato Salad, Herbed Sausage, Hamburger, Salt, Peanut Butter | Title Power: Ghost (Lv. 2), Teensy Power: Dark (Lv. 2), Catching Power: Normal (Lv. 2) |
Master Hefty Sandwich | Potato Tortilla, Fried Fillet, Bacon, Potato Salad, Herbed Sausage, Hamburger, Salt, Peanut Butter, Salty Herba Mystica | |
Tofu Sandwich | Tofu x2, Rice, Lettuce, Avocado, Horseradish, Salt | Encounter Power: Normal (Lv. 1), Egg Power: Lvl. 1), Catching Power, Grass (Lv. 1) |
Great Tofu Sandwich | Tofu x2, Rice, Lettuce, Avocado, Horseradish, Wasabi, Salt, Horseradish | Encounter Power: Normal (Lv. 2), Raid Power: Fighting (Lv. 1), Catching Power: Grass (Lv. 1) |
Ultra Tofu Sandwich | Tofu x2, Rice, Lettuce, Avocado, Watercress, Wasabi, Salt, Horseradish | Raid Power: Normal (Lv. 2), Encounter Power: Fighting (Lv. 2), Catching Power: Grass (Lv. 1) |
Master Tofu Sandwich | Tofu x2, Rice, Lettuce, Avocado, Watercress, Wasabi, Salt, Horseradish, Salty Herba Mystica | Title Power: Normal (Lv. 2), Encounter Power: Grass (Lv. 2), Catching Power: Fighting (Lv. 2) |
Herbed Sausage Sandwich | Herbed Sausage, Ketchup | Encounter Power: Fighting (Lv. 1), Exp. Point Power: Ghost (Lv. 1), Raid Power: Ground (Lv. 1) |
Great Herbed Sausage | Herbed Sausage, Ketchup, Mustard | Encounter Power: Ground (Lv. 2), Exp. Point Power: Ghost (Lv. 1), Raid Power: Fighting (Lv. 1) |
Ultra Herbed Sausage | Herbed Sausage, Lettuce, Ketchup, Mustard | Exp. Point Power: Ground (Lv. 2), Raid Power: Ghost (Lv. 2), Encounter Power: Fighting (Lv. 1) |
Legendary Herbed Sausage Sandwich | Herbed Sausage, Lettuce, Ketchup, Mustard, Bitter Herba Mystica | Title Power: Ground (Lv. 2), Exp. Point Power: Fighting (Lv. 2), Raid Power: Normal (Lv. 2) |
Curry-and-Rice-Style Sandwich | Rice, Curry Powder, Mayonnaise | Humungo Power: Normal (Lv. 1), Encounter Power: Fire (Lv. 1), Raid Power: Fighting (Lv. 1) |
Great Curry-and-Rice-Style Sandwich | Rice, Jalapeño, Curry Powder, Mayonnaise | Humungo Power: Grass (Lv. 2), Encounter Power: Fighting (Lv. 1), Item Drop Power: Normal (Lv. 1) |
Ultra Curry-and-Rice-Style Sandwich | Rice, Jalapeño, Tomato, Curry Powder, Mayonnaise | Humungo Power: Grass (Lv. 2), Encounter Power: Normal (Lv. 2), Item Drop Power: Fairy (Lv. 1) |
Master Curry-and-Rice Sandwich | Rice, Jalapeño, Tomato, Curry Powder, Mayonnaise, Spicy Herba Mystica | Title Power: Grass (Lv. 2), Humungo Power: Fairy (Lv. 2), Encounter Power: Normal (Lv. 2) |
Zesty Sandwich | Jalapeño, Onion, Herbed Sausage | Humungo Power: Psychic (Lv. 1), Exp. Pointer Power: Fighting (Lv. 1), Encounter Power: Water (Lv. 1) |
Great Zesty Sandwich | Jalapeño, Onion, Herbed Sausage, Green Bell Pepper | Humungo Power: Pysychic (Lv. 2), Encounter Power: Fighting (Lv. 1), Exp. Point Power: Water (Lv. 1) |
Ultra Zesty Sandwich | Jalapeño, Onion, Herbed Sausage, Green Bell Pepper, Watercress | Humungo Power: Psychic (Lv. 2), Encounter Power: Ground (Lv. 2), Exp. Point Power: Fighting (Lv. 1) |
Master Zesty Sandwich | Jalapeño, Onion, Herbed Sausage, Green Bell Pepper, Watercress, Sour Herba Mystica | Title Power: Psychic (Lv. 2), Teensy Power: Fighting (Lv. 2), Encounter Power: Normal (Lv. 2) |
Refreshing Sandwich | Tomato, Avocado, Horseradish, Salt | Catching Power: Bug (Lv. 1), Encounter Power: Fighting (Lv. 1), Raid Power: Dragon (Lv. 1) |
Great Refreshing Sandwich | Tomato, Avocado, Kiwi, Marmalade, Salt | Catching Power: Dragon (Lv. 2), Encounter Power: Fire (Lv. 1), Item Drop Power: Poison (Lv. 1) |
Ultra Refreshing Sandwich | Tomato, Avocado, Kiwi, Pickle, Marmalade, Salt | Catching Power: Dragon (Lv. 2), Encounter Power: Fighting (Lv. 2), Item Drop Power: Poisons (Lv. 1) |
Master Refreshing Sandwich | Tomtato, Avocado, Kiwi, Pickle, Marmalade, Salt, Spicy Herba Mystica | Title Power: Dragon (Lv. 2), Humungo Power: Poison (Lv. 2), Encounter Power: Normal (Lv. 2) |
Spicy-Sweet Sandwich | Hamburger, Tomato, Kiwi, Pineapple, Butter, Horseradish | Catching Power: Poison (Lv. 1), Encounter Power: Fire (Lv. 1), Item Drop Power: Ground (Lv. 1) |
Great Spicy-Sweet Sandwich | Hamburger, Tomato, Kiwi, Avocado, Pineapple, Butter, Horseradish | Catching Power: Dragon (Lv. 2), Encounter Power: Ground (Lv. 1), Item Drop Power: Poison (Lv. 1) |
Ultra Spicy-Sweet Sandwich | Hamburger, Tomato, Kiwi, Pineapple, Avocado, Cheese, Butter, Horseradish | Catching Power: Dragon (Lv. 2), Encounter Power: Ground (Lv. 2), Item Drop Power: Poison (Lv. 1) |
Master Spicy-Sweet Sandwich | Hamburger, Tomato, Kiwi, Pineapple, Avocado, Cheese, Butter, Horseradish, Bitter Herba Mystica | Title Power: Dragon (Lv. 2), Item Drop Power: Poison (Lv. 2), Encounter Power: Normal (Lv. 2) |
Curry-and-Noodle Sandwich | Noodles, Red Bell Pepper, Bacon, Yellow Bell Pepper, Olive Oil, Salt, Pepper | Exp. Point Power: Electric (Lv. 1), Encounter Power: Psychic (Lv. 1), Catching Power: Rock (Lv. 1) |
Great Curry-and-Noodle Sandwich | Noodles, Red Bell Pepper, Bacon, Yellow Bell Pepper, Jalapeño, Olive Oil, Salt, Pepper | Item Drop Power: Rock (Lv. 2), Encounter Power: Psychic (Lv. 1), Catching Power: Electric (Lv. 1) |
Ultra Curry-and-Noodle Sandwich | Noodles, Red Bell Pepper, Bacon, Jalapeño, Egg, Olive Oil, Salt, Pepper | Exp. Point Power: Rock (Lv. 2), Encounter Power: Grass (Lv. 2), Catching Power: Ice (Lv. 1) |
Master Curry-and-Noodle Sandwich | Noodles, Red Bell Pepper, Bacon, Jalapeño, Egg, Olive Oil, Salt, Pepper, Sweet Herba Mystica | Title Power: Rock (Lv. 2), Egg Power (Lv. 2), Encounter Power: Normal (Lv. 2) |
Tower Sandwich | Hamburger, Noodles, Potato Salad, Rice, Olive Oil, Salt, Pepper | Exp. Point Power: Steel (Lv. 1), Encounter Power: Fire (Lv. 1), Humungo Power: Ghost (Lv. 1) |
Great Tower Sandwich | Hamburger, Noodles, Potato Salad, Rice, Klawf Stick, Olive Oil, Salt Pepper | Exp. Point Power: Steel (Lv. 2), Encounter Power: Ghost (Lv. 1), Humungo Power: Ice (Lv. 1) |
Ultra Tower Sandwich | Hamburger, Noodles, Potato Salad, Rice, Klawf Stick, Tofu, Olive Oil, Salt, Pepper | Encounter Power: Steel (Lv. 2), Humungo Power: Ice (Lv. 2), Catching Power: Normal (Lv. 1) |
Master Tower Sandwich | Hamburger, Noodles, Potato Salad, Rice, Klawf Stick, Tofu, Olive Oil, Salt, Pepper, Bitter Herba Mystica | Title Power: Steel (Lv. 2), Encounter Power: Normal (Lv. 2), Exp. Point Power: Fighting (Lv. 2) |
Vegetable Sandwich | Green Bell Pepper, Tomato, Cucumber, Salt, Olive Oil, Vinegar | Teensy Power: Poison (Lv. 1), Encounter Power: Water (Lv. 1), Catching Power: Bug (Lv. 1) |
Great Vegetable Sandwich | Green Bell Pepper, Tomato, Cucumber, Red Onion, Salt, Olive Oil, Vinegar | Encounter Power: Ghost (Lv. 2), Teensy Power: Bug (Lv. 1), Catching Power: Poison (Lv. 1) |
Ultra Vegetable Sandwich | Green Bell Pepper, Tomato, Cucumber, Red Onion, Watercress, Salt, Olive Oil, Vinegar | Encounter Power: Ghost (Lv. 2), Teensy Power: Bug (Lv. 2), Catching Power: Poison (Lv. 1) |
Master Vegetable Sandwich | Green Bell Pepper, Tomato, Cucumber, Red Onion, Salt, Olive Oil, Vinegar, Herba Mystica | Title Power: Ghost (Lv. 2), Encounter Power: Bug (Lv. 2), Catching Power: Poison (Lv. 2) |
Klawf Claw Sandwich | Klawf Stick, Tomato, Lettuce, Salt, Olive Oil | Encounter Power: Grass (Lv. 1), Catching Power: Fairy (Lv. 1), Item Drop Power: Ice |
Great Klawf Claw Sandwich | Klawf Stick, Tomato, Lettuce, Salt, Olive Oil, Wasabi | Encounter Power: Grass (Lv. 2), Catching Power: Fairy (Lv. 1), Item Drop Power: Ice (Lv. 1) |
Ultra Klawf Claw Sandwich | Klawf Stick, Tomato, Lettuce, Yellow Bell Pepper, Salt, Olive Oil, Wasabi | Encounter Power: Grass (Lv. 2), Catching Power: Ice (Lv. 2), Item Drop Power: Electric (Lv. 1) |
Master Klawf Claw Sandwich | Klawf Stick, Tomato, Lettuce, Yellow Bell Pepper, Salt, Olive Oil, Wasabi, Spicy Herba Mystica | Title Power: Grass (Lv. 2), Humungo Power: Ice (Lv. 2), Encounter Power: Electric (Lv. 2) |
Decadent Sandwich | Smoked Fillet, Klawf Stick, Watercress, Basil, Vinegar, Olive Oil, Salt | Exp. Point Power: Ice (Lv. 1), Raid Power: Psychic (Lv. 1), Encounter Power: Dark (Lv. 1) |
Great Decadent Sandwich | Smoked Fillet, Klawf Stick, Watercress, Basil, Tofu, Vinegar Olive Oil, Salt | Exp. Point Power: Ice (Lv. 2), Encounter Power: Normal (Lv. 1), Catching Power: Dark (Lv. 1) |
Ultra Decadent Sandwich | Smoked Fillet, Klawf Stick, Watercress, Basil, Tofu, Red Onion, Vinegar, Olive Oil, Salt | Exp. Point Power: Ghost (Lv. 2), Encounter Power: Dark (Lv. 2), Catching Power: Ice (Lv. 1) |
Master Decadent Sandwich | Smoked Fillet, Klawf Stick, Watercress, Basil, Tofu, Red Onion, Vinegar, Olive Oil, Salt, Spicy Herba Mystica | Title Power: Ghost (Lv. 2), Humungo Power: Dark (Lv. 2), Encounter Power: Ice (Lv. 2) |
Legendary Bitter Sandwich | Lettuce, Bacon, Bitter Herba Mystica, Pepper | Title Power: Rock (Lv. 2), Exp. Point Power: Ice (Lv. 2), Encounter Power: Grass (Lv. 2) |
Legendary Salty Sandwich | Lettuce, Bacon, Salty Herba Mystica, Pepper | Title Power: Rock (Lv. 2), Exp. Point Power: Ice (Lv. 2), Encounter Power: Grass (Lv. 2) |
Legendary Sweet Sandwich | Lettuce, Bacon, Sweet Herba Mystica, Pepper | Title Power: Rock (Lv. 2), Egg Power (Lv. 2), Encounter Power: Grass (Lv. 2) |
Legendary Sour Sandwich | Lettuce, Bacon, Sour Herba Mystica, Pepper | Title Power: Rock (Lv. 2), Teensy Power: Ice (Lv. 2), Encounter Power: Grass (Lv. 2) |
Legendary Spicy Sandwich | Lettuce, Bacon, Spicy Herba Mystica, Pepper | Title Power: Rock (Lv. 2), Humungo Power: Ice (Lv. 2), Encounter Power: Grass (Lv. 2) |
Tropical Sandwich | Klawf Stick, Avocado, Marmalade | Egg Power (Lv. 1), Encounter Power: Fairy (Lv. 1), Catching Power: Dragon (Lv. 1) |
Great Tropical Sandwich | Klawf Stick, Avocado, Pineapple, Marmalade | Catching Power: Ground (Lv. 2), Encounter Power: Dark (Lv. 1), Item Drop Power: Water (Lv. 1) |
Ultra Tropical Sandwich | Klawf Stick, Avocado, Pineapple, Jalapeño, Marmalade | Catching Power: Rock (Lv. 2), Item Drop Power: Water (Lv. 2), Encounter Power: Ground (Lv. 1) |
Master Tropical Sandwich | Klawf Stick, Avocado, Pineapple, Jalapeño, Marmalade, Sour Herba Mystica | Title Power: Rock (Lv. 2), Catching Power: Water (Lv. 2), Item Drop Power: Ground (Lv. 2) |
Sushi Sandwich | Rice, Smoked Fillet x2, Klawf Stick, Salt, Vinegar, Wasabi | Encounter Power: Dark (Lv. 1), Catching Power: Fighting (Lv. 1), Humungo Power: Normal (Lv. 1) |